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Chimney Brick Repair & Chimney Restoration

Make Your House Smoke Free with Durable Masonry Chimneys

Nowadays, most houses have fireplaces installed within them in order to keep the house warm and comfortable, especially during the winter season. They build chimneys over them so the smoke can easily flow out. A chimney is like a pipe or a tunnel-like channel whose main purpose is of transferring or dispersing smoke, heat and flue gasses from stoves and fireplaces out into the atmosphere.

From an architectural and aesthetic point of view, chimneys play a very important function since not only do they look really nice, but some are so beautifully constructed that a house actually looks complete with a chimney. If anything, this strongly emphasizes the need to install a chimney with highly durable and quality materials when building a home or remodeling an existing space. Although chimneys are made from various materials, masonry chimneys are most popular as they look quite elegant and beautiful. If the chimney somehow gets damaged, masonry chimney in Syracuse NY is readily available where experts give your old chimney a renewed look.

Masonry Chimneys Can Easily Get Damaged

A masonry chimney is made up of masonry materials and metal materials which include brick, mortar, concrete, stone, flue tile, steel, and cast iron. These materials can get significantly damaged by water penetration and other natural occurrences.


Chimney leaks can cause extensive water damage including rusted damper and fireplace assemblies deteriorated metal or masonry firebox assemblies, rotted adjacent wood, ruined wall coverings, cracked or damaged flue lining, tilted or collapsed chimney structure and decayed exterior mortar.


Cracks are often due to expansion but they can be due to issues with the mortar as well.


Spalling means bricks are falling from your masonry, or they are missing. This is caused when water penetrates the masonry and worsens by a process of freezing and thawing. Spalling can also be caused by structural stress.


Excessive amounts of water traveling through the masonry can cause staining on the exterior of the chimney.


Displacement is a structural problem that is caused by inadequate anchors for lateral support, freezing action, and corrosion of steel support. Displacement causes the masonry to essentially shift.

Repair the Chimney on Time for Your Safety

A damaged chimney can be a hazard as a falling brick can injure a person or damage the exterior of your home. When in need, search for ‘Chimney Repair Companies near Syracuse NY’ and call in the professionals to repair all kinds of damaged chimneys. They can reface, rebuild, fill up the cracks and secure the loose bricks. When the problem lies with the mortar, a professional may need to repair the mortar joints, repoint, or tuck-point the masonry. Apart from these, the experts also provide other services like chimney lining, crown repairs, replacements and installs, chimney flue repairs, brick and block repairs and more. You can trust them with your chimneys as they will make them look new again and make your house regain its elegance.
