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Avoid These Mistakes When Polishing your Marble Floor

A lot of people these days are preferring to install marble in the homes. That’s because of the great look it provides. Moreover, with a marble floor, you would not have to worry about replacing or repairing your floor in a pretty long time. Though, it does require you to be careful with the way you clean it. Some things can seriously damage the marble and ruin its aesthetic beauty. Whenever you are polishing it, here are some mistakes you should avoid at all costs.

When You Are Mopping: What You Can Use

Everyone uses a mop to clean the floors but when you have a marble floor on your hands, you need to be extra careful. Never ever use a fully wet mop to wipe your marble tiles because the water can adhere to the marble’s spongy surfaces. That leads to the floor’s look being ruined. What you should use is a mildly damp mop for wiping away all the spills. Furthermore, ensure that you are utilizing deionized water for this task as it is less damaging to the tiles. If you see any spills of a strong beverage such as wine or coffee, be quick in wiping away the stain otherwise it may leave a mark. Try as much as you can to use dry cloth than a wet one.

Using Solvents: Don’t Use All!

You can’t use any floor cleaners you have in your house for the marble tiles. The cleaning products of the store usually have a lot of different chemicals inside them. These chemicals can seriously damage the floor’s look and you would have to hire a service for Marble Sanding in Los Angeles CA in order to repair the damage. Instead, you should distill water for it or anything with a pH of 7. You should also search for special detergents made for the marble tiles, for example, the ones that are two percent non-ionic detergents. 

Home Remedies: What You Should Avoid

A lot of people prefer using home remedies to clean their houses since they think it would be a safer option than store detergents. With a marble floor, you still have to be careful! You can’t use any grocery items you usually use for cleaning such as lemon, vinegar or ammonia. Anything that is highly acidic or highly alkaline cannot be used to clean the marble’s surfaces. Specialists in Natural Stone Los Angeles CA say that this will damage your marble floors and that you should avoid this! Hence, it’s safe to not use any home remedies for this particular task.

Don’t Use Too Much Water!

You would think that if the pH7 solvent is the best option to go with cleaning your marbles, water is the answer. On the contrary, you shouldn’t use excessive water on your marble tiles as that too can ruin the look and lower its durability! Instead, you should go for mildly alkaline and neutral solvents. Don’t keep using water each time
